Medical Policy

Here at Oyster Diving we make your safety our highest priority.

Prior to all diving activities and courses with us you will be required to read and complete a medical questionnaire that will identify any pre-existing condition which may affect your safety while diving.

To see a copy of this medical questionnaire, please click here.

A positive response to any of the questions in the form would mean that you must seek to obtain a written/signed medical clearance from a physician prior to engaging in in-water activities. If you answer ‘no’ to each question then we do not require a note from a Physician. If you would prefer to seek the opinion of a professional dive medic then please visit the London Hyperbaric Chamber Website.

A written/signed medical clearance from a diving physician is required for following medical conditions:

History of heart surgery, heart desease, heart attack or stroke (CVA)

History of high blood pressure combined with subscription of “Betablockers” to regulate hypertension

History of lung surgery, pneumothorax or collapsed lung

Asthma, if client generally carries an emergency inhaler

History of Epilepsy, convulsions or fainting

History of Diabetes

History of diving accident or diving sickness (such as DCS)

All of the above are potentially life threatening medical conditions when scuba diving, therefore we will accept a medical clearance only from a proper diving physician.

For all other medical situations which would merit a “Yes” answer on the medical questionnaire, a medical clearance from a certified doctor in general will suffice.

These steps are taken with your safety in mind and in an attempt to reduce the risk of injury or death whilst diving.

For further information contact

Please note that Oyster Diving maintains the right to refuse to allow a guest to dive based on medical or any other reason.